Watheroo Dolomite has been testing according to the Lime WA Inc testing protocols since the inception of the Code of Practice. From the tests conducted over the past 25 years, it is clear that Watheroo Dolomite is consistently of the highest quality, with minimal variations in the product. Click on the links from the DOLOMITE tab above to view historical test results.
Testing occurs at the beginning of each season in January or February and is then dependent upon tonnages sold. Being a Code of Practice pit means that our product is Audit tested during the season by the Department of Agriculture. This Audit testing occurs annually in the Lime WA Inc member pits, and demonstrates they are compliant with the self testing requirements.
Some pits that are not members do not openly display their test results. Members of Lime WA are required to provide up to date test results and they are always available on request. Members also provide their annual tonnages to the Department of Agriculture each year, which has been instrumental in collating data about soil acidity through the State.